The Five Stages of Focus
You Want to Become an Expert at Developing Usable Skills On the Guitar.
My guess is that you’re here with me now because you are committed to playing the guitar at a much higher level, but you are disappointed with the results you see from all the effort you’re putting into your practice and playing.
You want to Get Better At Getting Better.
Here’s the thing, in this day and age of online guitar learning… with so much information being “Broadcast” to you on a daily basis, it’s a LOT harder to stay focused and see progress than it was when our guitar heroes were learning to play.
Most guitar players point to the greatest players ever and credit their ability to some gift or natural-born talent.
The moment you do that, you have now “decided” that you can’t do what they have done because you weren’t born with either.
I don’t believe that for a second.
The players you know and love became really good at Self-Directing their Learning and ultimately caught the wave of Exponential Improvement. They learned how to Get Better At Getting Better.
Let me illustrate something real quick here…
Let me illustrate something real quick here… since we KNOW that anyone can learn to play the guitar.
Here is a great example that anyone can understand, showing how important it is to get your head right when it comes to leveling up your guitar playing: When you were growing up, did you know anyone that “couldn’t” ride a bike? You know, kids that tried over and over, couldn’t figure it out and finally, just gave up Of course not.
There’s a reason why 90% of kids learning to ride a bike don’t quit. It’s because they simply believe that it’s inevitable that they will ride one day. Why? Because EVERYONE they know can ride a bike. Failure is not a possibility.
Kids understand in their gut that they would be forever banished from kiddom if they gave up. No matter how many skinned knees it takes. They haven’t yet learned to adopt a negative Mindset.
Beware of Basic Human Nature!
People have been learning to play at a high level since the instrument was invented. But, not everyone achieves this level of playing. Why? Basic human nature.
This is important to understand because, in order to get better on the guitar, you have to acknowledge the forces of human nature pulling you in the opposite direction. You have to develop and maintain “Intention” to fight that current.
Now, if you’re like most players, you probably have no interest in becoming a professional guitar player, but I want to shed a little light on some of the biggest differences between amateurs and professionals.
You may not want to BE a professional, but there is REAL value in learning to think like one.
There are a host of other differences, but they can effectively be boiled down to two things: fear and reality.
Amateurs believe that the world should work the way they want it to. Professionals realize that they have to work with the world as they find it.
Amateurs are scared — scared to be vulnerable and honest with themselves. Professionals feel like they are capable of handling almost anything.
Professionals acknowledge their doubts and charge them head-on. They attack weakness with INTENT.
All things considered, which approach do you think is going to yield better results?
What's Holding You Back?
What’s holding you back? Are you hanging around people who are amateurs when you should be hanging around people who think like professionals?
Bottom line, even if you’re taking in-person lessons from a world-class instructor, when the lesson is over, and you guys say, “See you next week!” at that moment, you go back to Self-Directing your learning until your next session.”
And not being very good at that is the primary reason you are disappointed in your results. Believe me; you’re not alone.
Over the last 2 ½ years, my team and I have spoken one-on-one with hundreds of passionate guitar players like you, and 99 out of 100 are suffering from the same issues.
They struggle with having a Results-Focused, Problem-Solving Mindset. They rarely know what they should be working on and in what order… let alone how long they should work on it so that it’s actually usable in their guitar playing.
You see, most guitar players are focused exclusively on where to put their fingers on the guitar and not on “Learning How to Improve Their Ability to Learn!”
If you are taking the path that the vast majority of players do, you are probably settling for a mere 10% of the success that is available to you on the guitar. The good news is that we can fix this.
The harsh reality is that you're on your own learning one of the most difficult instruments on the planet. The best way to make progress on the guitar is to take control of your own learning.
In other words, while you’re learning where to put your fingers on the guitar to make music… you’re also putting real “Intention” behind Getting Better At Getting Better!
Even If You Are Taking Lessons From Joe Bonamassa…
You still have to be skilled at being able to FOCUS... due to the fact that you'll be on your own until your next lesson!
It's FREE and it will forever change the way you look at guitar... and you can begin watching it on the next page.